Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who wants to be positive all the time? Being skeptical is a lot more fun.

"I never think delusion is OK" -- Barbara Ehrenreich

Jon Stewart had Barbara Ehrenreich on his program yesterday, and she wrote a book about the annoying and unhelpful side of unsubstantiated optimism. Now, I am not your bouncy cheerleader type, but I do find a certain comfort in realism, so I am with Barbara here. I think, everyone shares those feelings, at least, partially. Don't tell me you have never explored the depth of pessimist about the current state of your project/department/employer/economy with your co-workers, and did not feel the power of a bitching session brotherhood! Being critical/skeptical/realistic may not be as pumped-up optimistic as some want all things workforce to be, but it is still fun! It may even help you with the feeling of elation when the real achievements happen.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barbara Ehrenreich
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